Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My cat is sick

It's hard to work right now. Kachina, my cat is sick. We just had to put ,Boo, our oldest cat to sleep. He was old and tired and couldn't find the cat box anymore. Kachina is having trouble with the cat box now. She just lays in my lap and enjoys the closeness. I can't imagnine taking her on a 7 hour drive...or longer...when we move. But I won't leave her or put her to sleep before her time. I am just not that kind of person. Work...making and listing watches is just going to have to wait while I take care of her. I am sure gonna miss her when she decides she is done.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry your cat is sick. I now how you feel. I lost my baby 3 years ago, she was a 7 years old German Sheppard, she was so inteligent and smart. We will get another pet, hopefully, in the near future; we also are moving to another state. My husband just got retired and wants to go back to his home town to be close to his parents...God bless you and your family..He will give you strenght for a right decision...
